Grade 2


Ireland is often referred to as the Emerald Isle, and this show is based on a collection of Irish folk songs.  The show opens with Finnegan’s Wake, a lively Irish feel with foot-tapping melodic lines and rhythms with a contrasting woodwind lyrical section.  Next, we hear “Molly Malone”, a slow and moving Irish ballad with a well-known melodic line.  There is a brief percussion interlude that leads into the closer based by “Irish Rover”.  This is a popular sea chanty based on the story of a famous Irish sailing ship and its mythical voyage.  This show is certain to make everyone in the audience a little bit Irish.


Mvt. 1:  Finnegan’s Wake

Mvt. 2: Molly Malone

Mvt. 3: Irish Rover


The material in this show is all original and public domain. All performance and recording licenses are included with this show.