Grade 1

Duration: 5:41

Mythical gods were the centerpiece of ancient Greek culture and played an immense role in the politics, religion, and day-to-day lives of the Greek people. This show tells the story of four gods: Apollo, Aphrodite, Aries, and Zeus, king of the gods. The commissioning band for this show had great french horn and alto sax sections, so I independent lines for those sections were written. If your horn and alto sections aren’t as strong those passages can be taken out or edited for your group.


All original material by Luke McMillan

Mvt. 1: Zeus, King of the Gods

Mvt. 2: Apollo, God of the Sun

Mvt. 3: Aphrodite, Goddess of Beauty

Mvt. 4: Aries, God of War

Mvt. 5: Zeus, King of the Gods (reprise)


The material in this show is all original. All performance and recording licenses are included with this show.