Grade 2


"My Reflection" delves into the introspective journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance. This introspective show prompts audiences to contemplate the question: What do you see when you gaze into the mirror? “My Reflection” explores the diverse perspectives and emotions that arise from this reflection, emphasizing the beauty that lies within each individual. With optional simplified woodwind parts and percussion parts that can be modified, this show will be a great fit for your ensemble! Featuring “My Reflection” by Wilder and Zippel, from the Disney animated classic Mulan, and original music by Luke McMillan.


Mvt 1 - At the Mirror by Luke McMillan

Mvt 2 - My Reflection by Wilder and Zippel

Mvt 3 - What I See by Luke McMillan


This show contains copyrighted material that will need to be licensed through a third party. We will be happy to help you through the process of securing copyright licensing and paying the additional required fees.