Grade 3


"Into the Horizon" embarks on a thrilling voyage, capturing the essence of the adventurous world of sailing. This show takes audiences on a nautical odyssey, celebrating the timeless allure of the open sea. With featured percussion parts that can be modified, optional simplified woodwind parts, and solos that can be written for any instrument, this show will be a great fit for any intermediate to advanced ensemble. Featuring “Prelude to Act III from Lohengrin” by Richard Wagner, “Come Sail Away” by Styx, “The White Whale”, from Of Sailors and Whales, by Francis McBeth.”


Mvt. 1: Prelude to Act III from Lohengrin by Richard Wagner

Mvt. 2: Come Sail Away by Styx

Mvt. 3: The White Whale from Of Sailors and Whales by Francis McBeth


This show contains copyrighted material that will need to be licensed through a third party. We will be happy to help you through the process of securing copyright licensing and paying the additional required fees.