Grade 2

Duration: 5:59

"Impact" explores the thrilling yet ominous concept of a colossal meteor or asteroid hurtling toward Earth on a collision course. This show delves into the suspense and urgency of impending catastrophe, drawing the audience into the gripping narrative of survival and human resilience in the face of impending disaster. With optional simplified woodwind parts and percussion parts that can be modified, this show will be a great fit for your ensemble. Featuring original music by Barry Hurt, the music invites your audience to a world where the fate of our planet hangs in the balance.


Mvt. 1. - It Is Well With My Soul and Also Sprach Zarathustra by Richard Strauss

Mvt. 2. - Meteor Sighting

Mvt. 3. - Warning and Prayers

Mvt. 4 - Chaos and Impact!


The material in this show is all original and public domain. All performance and recording licenses are included with this show.